Rick Aristotle Munarriz says the Miami Herald's plan to ask for donations won't work.
Allow me to be the first to burst McClatchy's bubble in saying that its panhandling efforts will be wasted. These virtual tip jars rarely work. Wikipedia has been successful in soliciting reader donations, but it's clearly positioned as a nonprofit site that refuses to advertise on its pages. Strumming away in front of an open guitar case won't work for McClatchy.
Click here for the whole thing.
When even semi-objective third parties start to refer to your revenue enhancement plan with terms like “Tin Cup” and “Panhandling”...you have a serious problem
This is an internal compromise. Paywalls will not work but the business types don't believe it. This seems to be a compromise to show the suits that the online audience expects stuff to be advertising supported. That's how this whole thing will shake out. Just ask our author how many people are willing to pay him for this crap he puts out daily!
Then there's the fact that the whole tincup thing makes Miami and MNI look desperate.
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