Friday, January 25, 2008

Crazy Mahmoud: "Mankind's greatest need is a global Islamic government"

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently delivered a speech before the National Center for Globalization Studies in Iran. This speech shows Mahmoud's reputation as one of the word’s looniest leaders is well-deserved. From the account:

The President emphasized, "Man is created to be a global creature, as all divine religions are global, and if he would be deprived of this aspect of his personality, neither anything would remain of his humanity, nor any of his potentials and talents would find a proper ground for manifestation."

This is so jumbled who knows for sure what Mahmoud means. "Mankind was created to be a global creature"? I don't know what a Global Creature is, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to be a Global Creature. Anyway, later comes the part where I know what Mahmoud means:

Ahmadinejad stressed that pure Mohamedan Islam has answers to modern man's entire questions, adding, "World nations would accept Islam in large groups if pure Islam would one day be presented to them free from all non-Islamic attachments."

In other words, after we crush Christianity and Judaism, the people will freely embrace Islam. To Crazy Mahmoud, other faiths are "non-Islamic attachments." Freedom of speech and freedom of thought are "non-Islamic attachments." As they say, read the whole thing.