For years if a newspaper had a website, it most likely served as a digital dumping ground for the print product. Design and functionality wasn't a key concern because most readers still got their news in print. Times have changed, but unfortunately many newspapers remain unprepared.
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Hat tip: Fading to Black
Problem was caused by management focusing on increasing circulation numbers for print only. Then came the mother of all bad decisions - Gary bidding against himself for KR. Still not too late, fire Gary and the rest of the old executive fools and hire someone who actually has an online plan. Every day I see people here at Q ST who have just given up and have no morale whatsover.
They don't have to mope around with no morale whatsoever. They can quit, find another job, start their own business. Try taking control of your own life instead of blaming someone else and acting as if you have no control over your own life.
At any other time I would suggest newspaper employees get the hell out of Dodge, but jobs are not plentiful these days, and having bills to pay is still a huge consideration. I think the worst of the economic downturn is yet to come, and the “sucker packages” will do nothing more than indebt my family for decades. The future for journalism is bleak, and keeping a paying job as long as anyone can, is very understandable, to me anyway.
Newspapers let their credibility go down the drain with their in-the-tank coverage of Obama. The government watchdogs are no longer trusted to do their job. Why would anyone expect their online version to be any better? The watchdogs became lapdogs, and lapdogs are too yappy for my taste. Who knows about lapdogs anyway, riding around in Palousy’s purse may be a perk for them.
Many of us current employees are waiting to see if they are going to offer another buyout package. Those that left last September got the best offer the offer after have been bad. Unless you got the years to maximize your severance it does not make sense to go.
We believe that one of the reasons they have not offered another good buyout is that after the way they have treated us remaining with all the extra work and no pay or recognition they will lose most everybody.
Those that left last September got the best offer the offer after have been bad.
There are no more offers that can be given without approval from the banks. That is why the last round they told you flat out. Next time, there may be no buyout.
That should have been everything you needed to hear.
I took the buyout in September.After 20 years with McClatchy.I wish my fellow employees well. For any real changes to happen these corporate fools need to resign. Also,most people in upper management need to go too.
5:36pm :
You can't just quit your job in a sinking ship just cause your unhappy.. esp if you have elderly parents or children in daycare! Obviously you have none of these things to worry about.
As for upper management.. most of them don't even know how to make a pdf or send a simple email... someone please tell me why this happens.
Of course we would quit if we could, no fool quits without having another job lined up or without a large bank account.
Fo you to say that shows
a: you are an executive living in cuckoo land
b: a manager with no one to manage
c: a grumpy old fool
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