Saturday, July 18, 2009

MSM's hard lesson: when you become an arm of the Democratic party, half your audience disappears

Click here for the story.


Anonymous said...

Although it must be true, ironically, well intentioned McClatchy people come on here weekly to declare this type of article patently false. Because of their odd position, I can’t restate it as well as they can.

But some look exclusively at the advertisement side, and simply declare that the right is but a certain demographic, that have already been taken into consideration.

Then there is the Melanie management side that opines, it’s the economy.

They also justify their position by saying right wing papers suffer as much as they, so the argument is false.

But with McClatchy, they patently and obviously insult the right with fallacious editorial opinions masquerading as factual news, that why a right winger buys their paper, I have no idea.

Simply look at today’s article with McClatchy’s foreign branch blatantly parroting the PLO. And lest we forget the Florida paper's cut and pasting Castro’s propaganda directly from his own newspaper. And the trinket sale. We have never heard how that unbias bit of McClatchy history went.

Anonymous said...

You guys have an amazing ability to jump to the conclusions you want to believe, without any evidence. Keep it up. You'll continue out of power for another generation.

Anonymous said...

Obama's approval ratings down in the 50s and dropping. Even the MSM has to report the drops. Historically speaking, the swing back to conservatism already has begun.

Anonymous said...

5:38, conservatism is different than the far-right know-nothingism demonstrated by most of the posts on this blog, including those that see a conspiracy in just about everything and blame "the liberal media" for everything they dislike. And the more they descend into this kind of self-deception, the more they'll be marginalized, including by rational conservatives.

Anonymous said...

The Liberal Media will never realize that they need Red State revenue to survive.

It's very pig-headed of them to think that even on the unemployment line.

They think the Obamababoon will save them, but he's too busy looking at the asses of 14-year old White girls.

Anonymous said...

8:02 PM Thank you. Conservatism as defined and dictated by our leftist troll.

John Altevogt said...

I'm sorry, but if there is one set of priorities Osama bin Obama seems to have in order, it would be those relating to his family. He certainly appears to be a devoted husband and doting father.

Why is it that I get the feeling that you're really a lefty posting here to try and make us look bad? Is it because no one I know in the conservative movement discusses Obama with regard to his race? And certainly not when there is so much going wrong with his policies to discuss.

Just saying.....

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but if there is one set of priorities Osama bin Obama seems to have in order, it would be those relating to his family. He certainly appears to be a devoted husband and doting father.///

Uh huh....

Looks like it to me too. She's 16. Of course, having to beg the hairy legged beast just to see the jar she keeps your nuts in would probably do that to some people.

Anonymous said...

John, thank you for noting the racism in so many posts on this blog. However, I think you've fallen into the same conspiratorial mindset as some of the far-right posters, in assuming that only a "lefty" would post racist comments here to make conservatives look bad. There are plenty of right-wing racists around, just as there are plenty of left-wing racists around. And most racists of any stripe don't recognize that they are racists.

Anonymous said...

Lefties love terms like "knownothingism" because they thinks that dressing up their name calling in a suit makes it more effective and it makes the poor leftie sound smart.

The real point on this blog is that the MSM is in the tank for one party. the MSM is no longer a linchpin of democracy but is rather a tool of a point of view. We get evidence of that fact day after day. No conspiracy required. No controlling authortity in place.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives surely realize it is the liberal media writing that the GOP has problems. Who believes a thing they write? Leftists are trying to project weakness, to bolster their agenda. I don’t know how they judge such weakness, perhaps they didn’t notice the thousands attending the tea parties? Perhaps they don’t count all the calls to legislators to end the spending spree? The leftist media engineers a phony poll, and then publishes the results as if it means anything. Obama is going down, and the lying media will go along with him. Jimmah Carter Day will be replaced with Barry Soetoro (aka) Barack Obama Day, as the worst president EVER!

Anonymous said...

The biggest mistake conservatives made was not realizing how corrupt the MSM had become. Barry lied right from the start about taking public financing, and I have come to realize that was a ploy to pull John McCain in, and then he would duck out for the Soros and other ill-gotten funds. The media should have noted an honorable man vs. a dishonorable man, then and there. The media corruption of the last election is horrifying to honest people, and the in-the-tankers no doubt covered-up worse things, trying to protect their candidate. We are watching the self-destruction of Obama, he was not qualified to be president, and he will fail.

Anonymous said...

Racist is a term that has come to mean " a person who disagrees with a democrat person of color". It is, for now, an epithet full of power and and sting. The carelessness of its use is robbing it of power and creating its own backlash.

Anonymous said...

Believing that the media has become a mouthpiece for liberal democrats is not the same thing as a conspiracy.

We observe, day to day, in print and in broadcast that there is a one sided-ness to journalism in America. Occaisionally the mask slips and we see behind to find dedicated leftists pushing their brand of the news.

The counterfactual ie, how would the press cover our current unemployment if there were a republican president is speculative, but with experience it illustrates the omnipresent slant to the MSM.

Then we see the little bit of research that is done on the political and world views of the media and we know that they are overwhelmingly of one party, one predominant point of view.
Does that mean a conspiracy? Of course not! It only means an self reinforcing ideological mono culture that is so isolated from real interaction with other people that journalists reflexively dismiss those who disagree and remain blind to their own bias.

The mechanics of the MSM liberal bias are of no consequence, but its reality is no more deniable than gravity.

It is not surprising that millions of Americans are abandoning newspapers and newsmagazines or are just never forming the habit. Neither is it amazing that advertisers no longer see associating their brand with the credibility of the news as a positive for their brand.

Conspiracy? I don't think so. Bias? Without a doubt!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:16 Smile! Well written

Anonymous said...

Our passing lib's reference to "knownothingism" is predictably wrong. The know nothings were a nativist party in the 1840's operating with secret cells who when asked about the party were supposed to say they knew nothing. Rather than connect to the modern conservative, it seems that his reference seems to best connect to the journalist who when asked about bias, "knows nothing".