After weeks of excruciating pain, Mark Wattson was understandably relieved to have his appendix taken out.
Doctors told him the operation was a success and he was sent home.
But only a month later the 35-year-old collapsed in agony and had to be taken back to Great Western Hospital in Swindon by ambulance.
To his shock, surgeons from the same team told him that not only was his appendix still inside him, but it had ruptured - a potentially fatal complication.
In a second operation it was finally removed, leaving Mr Wattson fearing another organ might have been taken out during the first procedure.
The blunder has left Mr Wattson jobless, as bosses at the shop where he worked did not believe his story and sacked him.
Mr Wattson told of the moment he realised there had been a serious mistake.
'I was lying on a stretcher in terrible pain and a doctor came up to me and said that my appendix had burst,' he said.
'I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I told these people I had my appendix out just four weeks earlier but there it was on the scanner screen for all to see.
'I thought, "What the hell did they slice me open for in the first place?"
'I feel that if the surgery had been done correctly in the first place I wouldn't be in the mess I am today. I'm disgusted by the whole experience.'
Below is a photo of Mark Wattson, the victim of government-run health care.

Hat tip: The Kansas Progress
Haven't the same type of mistakes been made in U.S. hospitals? So what's your point?
A lot of mistakes are made in the US too.The only difference is most Americans go into bankruptcy because of it. Does Dr Conrad Murray ring a bell.Having lived in both Germany and Canada I think their socialized health care is much better than ours.The US is 50th on the list of life expectancy throughout the world and that number keeps dropping.
This story proves nothing about government health care. Check out the Daily Show's comparison of Glenn Beck's Jan. 2008 rant about U.S. health care vs. his current position on Fox News. Funny how much better things got after he changed networks.
Your numbers are not only a bald faced lie you seem to put credence into a simpleton's theory that a country's best guess on life expectancy actually has some relationship with the quality of available health care.
There are probably as many ways to affect the statistics as there are ways to die but under government health care, but only one way to report them. By the government.
You people crack me up. You can go down the list of mortality rates and clearly see that those governments wishing to promote their socialist agenda appear time and time again as "Not Reporting"
What a great gig.
This story may not "prove" anything, but the follow will make your hair stand on end. Ahhh Utopia.
The point is that the health care in the US is no better or worse than any other industrialized country.
The point is that the health care in the US is no better or worse than any other industrialized country.
A false premise. That is why Canadians flood our northern hospitals and Mexicans and Central American's flood our Southern ones. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Simply walk into a Canadian clinic (when they are open) and ask how long till you can be seen. The answer will be maybe two hours, maybe 10.
Better yet. Just ask anyone in the waiting room what they think of their wonderful health care system. You'll find out the real truth. But then, that isn't your goal, is it?
...Your numbers are not only a bald faced lie you seem to put credence into a simpleton's theory that a country's best guess on life expectancy actually has some relationship with the quality of available health care...
Not just longevity. Just about all health indicators. Check the statistics yourself. Google "world health statistics"
9:20 am: You must be getting your information from the right wing media. Having lived in Canada I have never waited longer than 2 hour or two to see a doctor. No appointment necessary...Do that in the U.S.
9:46 AM You're a liar. It is so bad that they have youtube video of how bad it is and how long it takes complete with interviews of the staff.
If you have to lie to make your case, doesn't it give you pause while promoting it?
In spite of liberal good intentions, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all broke. Obama says he going to provide health care for an ADDITIONAL 47 million people, and it will be "deficit neutral" other words, it won't increase costs.
If you believe this, you are probably mentally retarded.
If you believe this, you are probably mentally retarded.
...or a victim of public education. "We'll teach you a "new" way to think"
Foreign Surgeons Flown To UK To Cut Waiting Times 'Botched One In Three Operations' Daily Mail (UK)
Terry Heath is suing Weston General Hospital over a knee operation
A hospital which flew in Scandinavian surgeons to reduce waiting times is being sued after it was alleged that one third of the operations carried out were botched.
Surgeons from Sweden, Denmark and Finland were flown into Britain between 2003 and 2006 as part of a £3million scheme to speed up hip and knee replacements.
But concerns were raised about the quality of the work carried out and many patients fear the surgeons were insufficiently trained or skilled.
More than one third of people operated on at Weston-super-Mare General Hospital (WGH), Somerset, had an unsatisfactory result and six legal cases are now being considered.
Terry Heath, 65, who lives with wife Patricia in Bristol, is taking the hospital to court after a botched knee replacement operation left him unable to walk without crutches.
9:53 AM : I hope "You tube" isn't your only source of info. Come on you can't be serious.
...If you have to lie to make your case, doesn't it give you pause while promoting it?...
No, you're the liar, or else you just blindly accept right-wing and GOP propaganda. Having lived in Germany for two years, I know that the horror stories you've been told are lies, based on my experiences and my former co-workers and acquaintances there.
"9:53 AM : I hope "You tube" isn't your only source of info. Come on you can't be serious."
Which part of my post are you having difficulty with?
"No, you're the liar, or else you just blindly accept right-wing and GOP propaganda."
Please state for the record:
"I believe it is entirely possible to provide unlimited health care to an ADDITIONAL 47 million people without increasing costs, and without reducing services".
I have friends in Canada, Poland, Ireland and a few other European countries. You guys who think American health care service is no better or worse are seriously disillusional and drinking the MSM koolaid both liberal and conservative, though in reality there is no such thing. That left right paradigm is BS. But they laugh at us when just a little research will show they have extremely comprehensive affordable and in some cases free healthcare. Healthcare in the U.K. seems hit and miss just depends on who you talk to.
Actually healthcare in the Philippines (where I spent some time) is on par with the U.S. IF you can afford it, which 50-55% of their population cannot. In The Philippines they keep your baby if you can't afford to pay after having it. That is where the U.S. is headed. I've seen guys bleeding to death in emergency waiting. The guy had a huge bathtowel around his arm with the blood soaking through and he was was waiting. I know cause it took 3 hours to see me and he sat almost as long as I did. When my dad went in they took him right away no filling out forms but he was a stroke victim AND had 2 forms of insurance. That's the reality now and the gap between rich and poor is only growing wider. It was discovered even veterans come home to extremely substandard care after putting and life and literally limb on the line in Iraq and Afghanistan. If you have insurance and your insurance actually pays count your blessings because it could flip on you in a NY minute. Then you'll have the personal experience to understand why we need healthcare reform badly. Not what Obama is offering but real reform. But hospitals, pharmaceuticals and insurance companies make over a trillion a year. Good luck with that.
Who do you think is paying for the 47 million who are uninsured.....certainly not themselves. It's the tax payer and the person who pays health insurance .
Every year my insurance increases costs and reduces benefits.
Truthhurtsoo1: my comment was aimed at the other 9:53am.
My apologies.
Ugh. Lookin' at this guy's fat belly would make anyone sick enough to need health care.
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