Friday, October 16, 2009

Bee looking for another editorial writer

The Sacramento Bee has started advertising for Daniel Weintraub's position.

The Sacramento Bee is seeking a skilled, versatile writer/editor to join its editorial board and its award-winning opinion pages. This is a premier position for a journalist who wants to be a leading voice in California’s capitol and the nation’s largest state through a regular column and editorial writing and editing. The successful candidate will have a distinguished background in commentary or investigative journalism and be a forceful writer and a collaborator who thrives on change and challenge. Editing experience is a plus, as are skills in digital media. To apply, address a cover letter to Editorial Page Editor Stuart Leavenworth and send it with resume and writing samples by Oct. 23 to: or Deborah Ferreter Employment Specialist The Sacramento Bee P.O. Box 15779 Sacramento, CA 95852



Anonymous said...

Please, only farthest left liberals please apply.

Anonymous said...

Only writers who can deftly insult most residents of the region while pandering to McClatchy publishers need apply.

Anonymous said...

I wear Birkenstocks.

Do I get the job?

Anonymous said...

If only the opinion page clones knew what the general public really thinks about their ridiculously biased efforts. They only mingle and communicate with their uber-liberal friends and co-workers. They're as insulated as the Beltway Boys and Girls.

Anonymous said...

8:07 - That's funny!
You could add:
I listen to NPR every morning.
I cycle to work.
I absolutely love yoga and yogurt.
I'm adamant about "undocumented workers" over "illegal aliens."
I've worked PBS pledge drive phones.
I voted for Obama AND Doris Matsui.
My favorite word is "diversity."
I'll gladly accept pay cuts and benefit reductions.
I'm easily offended by perceived racism, sexual harrassment and social injustice.
I've always supported and defended the ACLU, ACORN, SEIU, DNC, mainstream media, La Raza, NAACP, and Keith Olbermann.

Do I get the job?

Anonymous said...

Don't you have to live in Land Park or Curtis Park to be a Bee edititorial writer or editor? That's mandatory for being taken serious about the job opening.

Anonymous said...

If this guy is so important why hasn't the Bee reported he is leaving? What ever happened to reporting the news before you solicit a replacement?

Anonymous said...

If you put 100 monkeys in a room with 100 typewriters...