Thursday, December 3, 2009

Now two McClatchy papers have no publisher

When Hank Vander Veen abruptly left the Sun-Star last month, that brought to two the number of MNI papers without publishers.

The publisher position at the Bellingham Herald has been vacant since Glen Nardi left to become publisher at the Sun Herald. When Nardi left -- four months ago -- the company said, "A search for a new publisher at The Bellingham Herald is under way."

Is this a case of dithering, or a methodical, painstaking search for an outstanding replacement?


Anonymous said...

M-Watch. You seem to be doing all the heavy lifting for this moribund organization.

But maybe that's why McClatchy despises you. Your little web site runs circles around them.

Anonymous said...

Publisher at a Mcclatchy paper is the most
worthless position in business. All they do
is sign their name to corporate e-mail and
kiss Pruitts ring!

Anonymous said...

You have to ask this question: Why do newspapers even need publishers? It's an outdated management position. Have a advertising and news head and run the other stuff from the corporate office. You'd save 10 reporter/copy editor jobs with the money you'd save on these useless publishers.

Anonymous said...

Or they could do regional publishers. Like one publisher could oversee six newspapers. They could do that with newsroom and advertising heads too in the digital age.
Why keep all these clumbsy old management fools when one, young and energetic manager could do the job better???? Where's my fat bonus for coming up with a money-saving tip?

Anonymous said...

great points all! you might be onto something!

John Altevogt said...

Too bad we can't say the same in KC.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that about Hank Vanderveen, he is a good egg. He came up through the circ side and was a good guy to work around.

Anonymous said...

Funny. Every time we had a publisher leave at our Bee, there was always a replacement announced right away.

Anonymous said...

So far they just have not been able to find a left handed differently abled afro-asian transgendered candidate with erectile dysfunction.

Anonymous said...

Seriously MW, you need to start submitting bills to McClachy for doing their job for them for the past year or so. Invoice: For Honesty Rendered

Kevin Gregory said...

8:59 hey, great idea.