Thursday, October 25, 2007

Chaos at McClatchy's Baghdad bureau?

McClatchy reporter Bobby Caina Calvan is under scrutiny for articles he has written for McClatchy news. Right now at Little Green Footballs is this post: "McClatchy Reporter Calvan Created His Own Reality." Turns out Calvan wrote a McClatchy article reporting several innocent civilians were killed in a US raid - even though he was evidently writing from his hotel room and only had 2nd and 3rd hand accounts. And, he admits he wanted to write a story with chaos, anger and grief. Reading Calvan's blog you get the idea he is more interested in the narrative (chaos and gore) than the facts. As they say, read the whole thing

McClatchy's Baghdad bureau chief is Leila Fadel. She has been out of Iraq for several weeks now. So who is in charge? (More on Leial Fadel here.)