Friday, November 16, 2007

The Anchoress: "Good News leaks past the embargo on good news"

The Anchoress reflects on the recent good news in Iraq that has forced its way into the mainstream media.

"It’s not victory - not yet - but every day it seems we get a little closer to victory. These might be called little hopeful signs - little victories. People are starting to realize that the surge is working, but they’re figuring it out almost by accident. If the press cannot recognize and report on these little victories, how will they recognize, or be able to credibly report on the big ones? And why shouldn’t they want to? Why should the press not want to cover good news from Iraq?"

She also wonders why the media fails to report on the accomplishments of the troops.

"Likewise, when the press has done its job to keep Americans informed on the deaths, setbacks and problems endured by her sons and daughters in the military, should they not also keep Americans informed of the successes of those same sons and daughters? Seems to me, that’s not asking very much."