Thursday, November 15, 2007

Big score for Iraqi police: car-bomb factory discovered, 12 subjects detained

From the Multi-National Force - Iraq press desk:

TIKRIT, Iraq – Iraqi Army and Police units involved in Operation Iron Hammer discovered caches containing more than 2,900 liters of nitric acid, a car bomb factory and more than 340 mortar and artillery rounds of various caliber in addition to large quantities ofmilitary equipment in the al Jazeera desert, Western Salah ad Din Province, Iraq, Nov. 10. The caches, discovered by 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, 4th Iraqi Army Division, also contained four DSHKA anti-aircraft machine guns with more than 13,000 rounds of ammunition, approximately 1,000 47mm anti-aircraft rounds, 32 anti-tank mines, detonation cord and small arms with ammunition. Iraqi Police detained 12 men for al-Qaeda related activities.