Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dan Rather still in fantasy land

In an interview published today, Dan Rather said he still believes the discredited Killian memos are authentic.

Nothing like another goofy Dan Rather moment to get the blogosphere fired up.

PowerLine: "The truth, notwithstanding Dan Rather's ongoing attempt at a cover-up, is that CBS's attack on Bush's National Guard record is a sickening artifact of today's political climate, in which, on the Left, anything goes." Say Anything Blog: "If he’s willing to cling to this blatant falsehood, it makes you wonder what else he got away with during his long journalism career."

Little Green Footballs takes the opportunity to bring out the "throbbing memo," which shows the forged memo was written in a Microsoft Word script which didn't exist in 1973.

Left-wing kook Daily Kos is sticking by the "fake but accurate" narrative: "We all know the fundamental story was true. The flaws were in its presentation. It was sloppy but I don’t believe for a moment that Rather deserved to be fired over it."

While we're having 2004 flashbacks, here is the PowerLine Post that first pinpointed the forgery: The Sixty-First Minute.