Monday, November 19, 2007

Disturbing find in Iraq: troops locate execution site and torture chamber ***UPDATE: human remains discovered**UPDATE**human remains info from 8/25/07

During operations in the Diyala River Valley, coalition forces killed eight terrorists, detained 13 suspects and found an alleged execution site, torture room and 16 weapons caches between Nov. 6 and 10.

The ground force also discovered several buildings used for terrorist operations to include an alleged torture facility complete with chains, shackles, heavy-duty locks similar to those found in detention cell bunkers, windows cemented closed, terrorist propaganda materials, and kerosene heaters.

Link here.

But at least the terrorists didn't waterboard.

UPDATE 9:50: Cent Com has more: a human remains dumping ground was located, which included human skulls and decomposing bodies wrapped in bloody clothing.

UPDATE 10:30: The Cent Com link is from 8/25/07. The Astute Blooger blogged about that here.

UPDATE 10:45: Torture chamber in Sadr City in 2007 here. Other 2007 torture here. PoliBlog had a 2005 report on an insurgent torture house here.