Thursday, November 29, 2007

McClatchy's Baghdad Bureau Chief falls for hoax

Leila Fadel is McClatchy's Baghdad bureau chief. On Monday she she and a staffer wrote a dramatic article describing the murder of an Iraqi journalist's family. The article is titled, "11 dead in Baghdad mass slaying, showing fragility of gains there." You can find it here.

It's a tragic story: masked gunmen break into the home of a brave journalist. The gunmen murder 11 family members, including 7 children. The journalist, Dhia al Kawazz, was in Jordan at the time of the attack. When interviewed by phone, he broke down. "To all Iraqi journalists, keep your families alive and be aware for your families' lives," he sobbed. It's a compelling story. Only one problem: the story is completely false. The family members who had been murdered turned up alive the next day and were photographed.
Gateway Pundit has details and pictures. Scoop has more on the hoax.