Thursday, November 15, 2007

Michelle Malkin on Demo debate: "Hillary wins by not cackling"

Michelle Malkin's scorecard:

Hillary: C plus. Kept cackles to a minimum.

O-BOMB-A: D. For dud. He looked and sounded like a state senator from Illinois, not the next president of the United States.

Wolf Blitzer: D. You’re no Tim Russert, Wolf

Biden: A for shooting down Denny K’s nutroots antics and for calling out Suzanne Malveaux’s agenda pushing.

Oops, I forgot Edwards: L for loser. No one
can stand him–left, right, or center.

Other reaction: Stephen Green: "I want my 2 hours back!" Mark Hemingway at The Corner: "Hillary won because she is the only candidate who seems trustworthy on national security issues."
Ann Althouse: "Pretty dull, which I suppose means it was a big victory for Hillary." Hugh Hewitt: "It's the drivers licenses for illegals, stupid."
Dan Riehl locates a planted questioner.