Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bush and Sarkozy at Mount Vernon: Common ground on Iran. And maybe Iraq, too

President Bush and French President Sarkozy spoke Wednesday about the common ground they share on Afganistan and Iran. There were hints Sarkozy shares Bush's views on Iraq: Bush praised Sarkozy's support for young democracies struggling against terrorism and extremism. Flopping Aces here. New Dark Age here.

From the Los Angeles Times:

On a wind-swept lawn of George Washington's Mount Vernon plantation, the two presidents gushed about each other and the improved state of U.S.-French ties, using language that might have been dismissed as diplomatic hyperbole had relations not grown so sour after the United States invaded Iraq in 2003."I get the distinct sense that it is France that has been welcomed so warmly, with so much friendship, so much love," Sarkozy said. "When I say that the French people love the American people, that is the truth and nothing but the truth." Bush, only slightly less effusive, said
to his guest: "You've impressed a lot of people here on your journey. You bring a lot of energy, enthusiasm for your lob, love of your country, and a strong set of universal values in your heart." He singled out Sarkozy's support in Afghanistan, where he is maintaining the French military deployment in the fight against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. "I can't thank the president enough for his willingness to stand with young democracies as they struggle against extremists
and radicals," Bush said.