Sunday, November 25, 2007

President Bush honors Lt. Michael Murphy in Thanksgiving address

In his radio address Saturday, President Bush paid tribute to Lt. Michael Murphy, the Navy Seal who was killed in Afghanistan in 2005. From FOX News, here is President Bush's account of Murphy's heroism:

"Michael was conducting surveillance on a mountain ridge in Afghanistan, when his four-man SEAL team was surrounded by a much larger enemy force. Their only escape was down the side of the mountain. The SEALs launched a valiant counterattack while cascading from cliff to cliff. But as the enemy closed in, Michael recognized that the survival of his men depended on calling back to base for reinforcements.

"With complete disregard for his own life, Michael Murphy moved into a clearing where he could get a signal. As he made the call, Michael fell under heavy fire. Though severely wounded, he said "thank you" before signing off, and returned to the fight. His heroism cost him his life — and earned him our Nation's highest decoration for valor, the Medal of Honor.

"This weekend, we give thanks for the blessings of young Americans like Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who risk their own lives to keep us safe."

Hat tip: Hello Iraq.