Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sarkozy on Iran

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is on his first official visit to the United States since he was elected president of France earlier this year. He will address a joint session of Congress and hold meetings with President Bush. PowerLine blogger Paul Mirengoff attended a small reception for Sarkozy earlier today. Mirengoff found Sarkozy impressive. (The above photo is an AP photo taken 11/6/07.)

Sarkozy was asked about Iran. Here is Mirengoff's summary of Sarkozy's response:

America and France must stand strongly against the development of nuclear weapons by Iran, which is unacceptable. He emphasized, however, that the effort to stop Iran from going nuclear should be based on diplomacy for as long as possible (he either didn’t say or I didn’t get whether sanctions are part of what he means by diplomacy, but I assume they are).