Friday, November 23, 2007

US troops helping re-open National Museum of Iraq

Soldiers from 1st Cavalry Division have begun discussions to help re-open the Baghdad's National Museum of Iraq, which has been closed since 2003. The museum holds treasures and artifacts, some dating back 5,000 years. Link from the Multi-National Force - Iraq press desk here.

Lt. Col. Kenneth Crawford, commander of 2nd “Spartan” Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, and Diane Siebrandt, a U.S. State Department culture heritage liaison officer, set up the “monumental” meeting with Dr. Amira, the museum’s newly-appointed general director, recently. Amira and her staff addressed issues such as the water damage caused by water leaks, security, dedicated power source, and some others he and Amira planned to discuss in future meetings.