Monday, December 10, 2007

David Obey: "No money for the Iraq War"

From the Washington Post:

A Democratic deal to give President Bush some war funding in exchange for additional domestic spending appeared to collapse last night after House Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey (D-Wis.) accused Republicans of bargaining in bad faith.

"Absent a Republican willingness to sit down and work out a reasonable compromise, I think we ought to end the game and go to the president's numbers," Obey said. "I was willing to listen to the argument that we ought to at least add more for Afghanistan, but when the White House refuses to compromise, when the White House continues to stick it in our eye, I say to hell with it."

Reporter Jonathan Weisman says Obey will push a huge spending bill that would contain no money for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Reading through the lines, this looks like an impulsive move on Obey's part. Obey has blundered, because this plays right into the national security strengths of the GOP. I have 2 predictions: First, lightweight David Obey is going to get schooled by George Bush and Dick Cheney. Second, by the time this plays out, US troops will have 100% of the funds they need to continue their success in Iraq.
UPDATE: KOS Kids are thrilled. Wall Street Journal says Obey will most likely propose separate bills, one for domestic funding and the other for war funding.