Saturday, December 29, 2007

Iraqi Police Academy leader: "Upon entering our academy…you are no longer Turkman, Arab, Christian, Kurd…you are an Iraqi”

Multi-National Force - Iraq:

KIRKUK — “Upon entering our academy…you are no longer Turkman, Arab, Christian, Kurd…you are an Iraqi,” Col. Samir Murshed Khushid, commandant of the Kirkuk Police Academy and former Peshmerga Soldier, said. He tells his recruits that they are there to serve their fellow citizen. “Protect them: ethnicity does not matter.”

“Everyone in Kirkuk is working together to eliminate the terrorists here,” Recruit Muhammad Abdul Abas, 22, an Arab said. “We – Arab, Kurd, Turkman, and Christian, are united in this belief and as a team, we work in peace to protect everyone in Kirkuk against those that want to separate us and try to make us fight each other,” he said. The team Abas refers to is his brotherhood…one formed with all ethnic groups within each Iraqi police platoon. “We will work together to protect our citizens.”

This is another example of Iraq becoming a shining light among Muslim countries.