Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Jack Flack: "Gary Pruitt may survive"

Jack Flack says the public endorsement of a CEO by his board is not usually a good sign for the CEO. But in the case of Gary Pruitt and the McClatchy board, Jack has a hunch Gary Pruitt is safe in the short run.

Pruitt benefits from the fact that McClatchy is indeed tightly held, and thus not nearly as susceptible to activist investors who enjoy collecting scalps of plodding incumbents. And that means that unless Pruitt somehow damages the board relationships he's carefully built, the still-only-50-year-old CEO will oversee another chapter or two of the McClatchy saga.

UPDATE 11:20. Me: Pruitt is the guy who got McClatchy in the deep hole by investing in print media instead of internet and new media. I don't see how he has the vision or creativity or leadership to get McClatchy out of the hole. Even a close-knit board will eventually grasp that.