Thursday, December 27, 2007

McClatchy updates Bhutto article Thursday to tone down anti-Bush rhetoric

On Thursday Jonathan Landay authored the first McClatchy article on the Bhutto assassination. Below is the first papragraph in the initial version. Note the way Landay inserts the "another-Bush-failure" theme.

WASHINGTON -- The assassination Thursday of Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto dealt a fresh blow to the Bush administration's efforts to promote a restoration of democracy in Pakistan and counter growing violence by Islamic extremists allied with al Qaida and the Taliban.

Get that? It's a blow to Bush. Not to democracy or freedom. It's not a blow to civiliation or to the struggling democracy movement. It's another Bush failure.

Hours later, another version appeared on McClatchy's web site toning down the anti-Bush theme. Here is the first paragraph on McClatchy's web site now:

WASHINGTON — The assassination Thursday of Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto has upended the U.S. strategy of promoting a return to civilian democratic rule in order to stabilize the nuclear armed South Asian nation and counter the Islamic radicalism now roiling it.

McClatchy's coverage of the Bhutto assassination is minor league. Compare Landay's sophomoric politicized article with this Wall Street Journal piece by Peter Wonacott and Jay Solomon. The WSJ article gives the reader context to understand the developments in Pakistan and leaves out the it's-all-about-Bush stuff. BBC has several good articles, too.