Sunday, December 30, 2007

Obnoxious lawyer keys Marine's vehicle, makes anti-war, anti-military comments

Blackfive has a story that will get your blood boiling.

Here are the details. Marine Sgt Mike McNulty went to visit a friend in Chicago before his scheduled January deployment to Iraq. At about 11 am on 12/1/07, he looked out of the window and noticed a man leaning up against his car. McNulty left his friend's apartment and caught the man keying his car on multiple sides. He confronted the man, who made snide remarks about McNulty's Department of Defence license plates, and also made anti-war and anti-military remarks. McNulty had the man cited for vandalism.

Turns out the perpetrator is Chicago lawyer Jay R. Grodner, who owns a law firm in the city and has offices in the suburbs. In court, McNulty was pressured to agree to a misdemeanor resolution, because he is shipping off to Iraq in a few days, and, because Grodner is a lawyer. Due to the amount of damages ($2,400) McNulty feels Grodner should get a felony conviction.

Next court date is 12/31/07.

The above photo shows the vandalism done by Grodner.

Thanks to the blogosphere I have a hunch we'll learn alot more about Jay R. Grodner in the next few days.

UPDATE 12:31 10:55 AM: Grodner has been nominated for Jerk of the Year.