Saturday, January 19, 2008

FOX NEWS from South Carolina - GOP: McCain 28.6%, Huckabee 19.1%, Romney 15.3%...

No surprise that McCain wins South Carolina, since the pollsters all had McCain leading. The big surprise is Hillary's margin of victory in South Carolina. Since so many Dem voters in South Carolina are black, the pundits thought Obama had the inside track. Other surprise: Thompson may be on his way out.

Best quote of the night is from Don Surber: "It is now Romney vs. McCain."

UPDATE 8:51: What's up with FOX? CNN has 95% of the precincts reporting as I type, and the CNN numbers are different from FOX. CNN has McCain 33%, Huckabee 30%, Thompson 16%, Romney 15%. If FOX isn't updating their numbers, that is really bad.

DOUBLE WHAT'S UP: Dems aren't voting in South Carolina? The Clinton 41.3% Obama 33.2% numbers I reported earlier are FOX's national poll numbers for Clinton and Obama, not results from South Carolina.