Thursday, January 17, 2008

Gold Star Mother makes history in Iraq

Via From My Position:

Under the cover of darkness during the late night hours of December 29, Gold Star mother Debbie Lee made history as she exited a U.S. military helicopter in Western Iraq and stood on the grounds of a U.S. military camp named in her son’s honor–Camp Marc Lee. It has been a year-and-a-half since Debbie received the heart wrenching news that her son Marc, the first Navy SEAL killed in combat in Iraq, gave his life in the name of freedom and democracy. As the details of his final hours became clear, Debbie was not surprised to learn that Marc had stood in the direct line of fire on three separate occasions to save his fellow brothers-in-arms that day.

Debbie Lee tells her story here. You expect the Sacramento Bee to tell you about men like Marc Lee? Not going to happen. The last time the Bee did a story on US troops, it was to announce US troops are maladjusted murderers.