Friday, January 18, 2008

Liberal talk show host caves to pressure from feminist groups, apologizes to Hillary

For 10 days, feminist groups pressured MSNBC and Chris Matthews to apologize for implying the only reason Hillary Clinton is a leading candidate for president is that she played the Doormat Wife while her husband was philandering. Matthews caved in to the pressure and apologized on Thursday. Newsbusters has the transcript of the apology. (Leave it to a blowhard like Matthews to take 9 paragraphs to apologize.) Gateway Pundit thinks the apology will boost ratings for a week or two.

Feminists are awfully selective when it comes to demanding apologies when women are victimized. I don't recall feminist groups demanding apologies when the Clinton administration trashed Paula Jones. (Remember when Clinton aide James Carville said, "Drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and there's no telling what you'll get"?) And the feminists were silent when the Clintons sent "investigators" to harass Kathleen Willey. NOW and the other pressure groups seem to exist to protect powerful liberal women like Hillary.