Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Sacramento Bee endorses Obama: "time to move on from the Bushes and Clintons"

The Sacramento Bee has endorsed Barack Obama. The Bee acknowledges there is some risk to having an inexperienced President, but says, "that risk is smaller, in our view, than the benefit of moving on from the Bushes and the Clintons, who have been in the White House for longer than some young voters have been alive."

Getting to the heart of the issue, the Bee highlights the Clintons' polarizing influence on the country:

The Clinton years were tainted by scandal, and Hillary Clinton took her share of hits for those problems. Some were deserved; some were not. Dealing with the constant accusations no doubt toughened her. That toughness is one thing we admire most about her.

But those battle scars are also evidence of a troubling trend in American politics that would likely only intensify if Clinton were to become president. Since her husband's first term, politics has become increasingly polarized, the partisan fights more brutal. The Clintons have been both aggressors and victims in those wars.

Well, yeah. A Democrat blogger in Virginia says Hillary is a perpetrator of dirty attacks, as well as a target. As if the country needed a reminder of the sleaze and polarization that the Clintons bring, just this weekend Bill Clinton was in Nevada lying about voter suppression. I wonder if enough voters are tired of the Clintons.