Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Signs of sanity: five of the west's most senior military officers tell NATO the west must be ready to resort to a pre-emptive nuclear strike

Five of the west's most senior military officers and strategists told NATO the west must be ready to resort to a pre-emptive nuclear attack to try to halt the "imminent" spread of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, according this report. Former armed forces chiefs from the US, Britain, Germany, France and the Netherlands insist that a "first strike" nuclear option remains an "indispensable instrument." The report submitted to NATO paints "an alarming picture of the threats and challenges confronting the west in the post-9/11 world and deliver a withering verdict on the ability to cope."

I'm glad to see these military leaders showing common sense. The question is, do we have political leaders in the west with the courage to lead?