Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hillary Clinton panic roundup

Barack Obama had primary victories in Washington, Kansas, Louisiana, the Virgin Islands and Maine this weekend, completely shutting out Hillary Clinton. Panic time at the Clinton campaign?

Here's your Hillary Clinton panic roundup:

UK Telegraph: Hillary Clinton's advisers 'in a state of panic'
Wizbang Blue: The Clintons are in a State of Panic. She has to Win Both Texas and Ohio
Protein Wisdom: Dems 2008: More-than-quiet panic in Hillaryland
JammieWearingFool: Panic in Pantsuitland
Mike Lief: Word no candidate wants to see in headline: "panic"
Zeta Woof: From Panic to Crisis
Politico: Change in campaign managers is a mark of the strain on Hillary's campaign
Economist: An Obama sweep this Tuesday would be another major blow to Clinton
Don Surber: Panic in Camp Hill
Scared Monkeys: Obama has the momentum