Monday, February 25, 2008

Lefties starting to ponder: what if Obama Mania can't sustain itself for eight more months?

From Noel Sheppard's blog, here is Cokie Roberts on "This Week:"

I mean, you look at these numbers, and you still see lots of landmines, not in necessarily, in the nomination, but in the general election. I mean, you start looking at young voters, are they going to show up? Probably not. They never have before. By the time November comes, they'll be tired. They'll have heard it all. You look at Independents, they're the least likely people to vote. I mean, you have all these groups that are not necessarily going to show up...You wonder if the enthusiasm is going to hold through November.
As we get closer to November, voters will want more than inspirational talk about Change and This is Our Time. Is there any substance to Obama? Does he have what it takes to deal with real world issues happening across the globe? If Obama doesn't move beyond the enthusiasm and the fainting to a serious approach to issues, his bubble could burst long before the election.