Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Left-wing media organization gives award to McClatchy’s Leila Fadel

McClatchy's Baghdad bureau chief Leila Fadel has received a 2008 Polk Award for outstanding foreign reporting. The Polk Awards were named after CBS News correspondent George Polk, who was slain while covering the civil war in Greece in 1948. Today, the Polk Awards seem like the kind of award that journalists give each other so they feel they are important. But what kind of journalists do they honor? Let's take a look at past award recipients.
The list of prior award recipients reads like a Who's Who among elite anti-Bush media figures. Past winners include:
Leila Fadel will fit right in with this group of lefties. Just last month she endorsed without qualification the latest George Soros report on the "lies and misrepresentations" Bush told during the run-up to the Iraq War. She has also said her focus is on victimized Iraqis, not American success.
By the way, in December I predicted journalists and failing media outlets would give Leila Fadel awards and accolades during 2008. As the print media declines in circulation and influence, I expect they will accelerate the pace of handing awards out to each other.