Monday, March 31, 2008

Basra is what would happen if the US follows the Obama troop withdrawal plan

CNN correspondent Michael Ware confirms what McCain has been saying about withdrawing US troops from Iraq: a premature withdrawal would erase all the gains that we have made. Amy Proctor has the quotes plus video. Here is what Ware told Wolf Blitzer:

Wolf, what’s going on is the future of Iraq without U.S. forces, welcome to it. You think Lebanon in the ’80s was bad? Many people say that the future of Iraq with a timetable for withdrawal will be exactly what you’re seeing now. We’re seeing Iranian backed Shia faction fighting Iranian backed Shia faction.

But put it this way, Wolf, Americans are still in South Korea.

Now if you think American troops can withdraw next year, then someone is being delusional.

Now, the Brits in the south of Iraq who technically once owned Basra have now retreated to the air base in that city. They’re unable to project combat power or influence. So you’re seeing the natural course of events.“

Previous related:
Obama claims he will pull out all US troops within 16 months
McCain says a premature withdrawal would be a betrayal and could lead to genocide