Monday, March 31, 2008

McClatchy called "tabloid newspaper"

OK, this cracked me up. Curt at Flopping Aces is calling McClatchy a "tabloid newspaper."

Curt might be referring to Warren Strobel's stunt prior to the release of the Pentagon's review of Saddam's involvement with terrorist groups prior to 9/11. Based entirely on leaked information, Strobel wrote an article before the release of the report saying the report showed no connection between Saddam and terrorists. The actual report provides information about significant ties between Saddam and terror groups, but Strobel never wrote an updated article to inform McClatchy readers about the ties to terror groups. Shortly after Strobel's stunt, Steven Hayes at the Weekly Standard wrote a piece exposing Strobel's shady tactics.

It's obvious Strobel's agenda is to trash Bush, not keep McClatchy's readers informed.

Curt's post on Strobel's lame article is here.

My post on Strobel's journalism: "McClatchy's Warren Strobel misleads readers... "

Previous related:
Warren Strobel honored by left-wing Huffington Post