Ayman al-Zawahiri , Bin Laden's top deputy, says Al Qaeda's jihad will move to Jerusalem once the US pulls out of Iraq. This chilling statement was included in Zawahiri's audiotape message that was released yesterday. Bloomberg's account:
Zawahiri said he expected the jihad, or holy war, to move to Jerusalem when U.S. forces leave Iraq.
"There is no doubt that the American collapse has begun,'' he said. "The raids on New York and Washington were identifying marks of this collapse, but I point out that the collapse of empires doesn't come in a single moment.''
Laura Mansfield has the transcript. This is from page 30:
First: I expect the Jihadi influence to spread after the Americans’ exit from Iraq, and to move towards Jerusalem (with Allah’s permission). As for the militias mentioned, they have failed to eliminate the Jihad with the help of what is called the strongest power in the history of mankind, so will they succeed by themselves or with the help of Iran?
As usual, Gateway Pundit is running circles around the mainstream media.
McClatchy is completely AWOL on the audiotape released by al-Zawahiri. McClatchy's Iraq web site has no information whatsoever about the audiotape.
Previous related:
Al Qaeda terrorist says attacks on United Nations are justified