Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Palestinian terror leader asks US for advanced weapons so they can kill Jews more effectively

Khalid Mashaal, the leader of Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, gave an interview to Tim Marshall from Sky News. During the interview Khalid Mashaal appealed for sophisticated weapons systems to help the Palestinians kill more Jews more effectively. He also blamed Israel for Palestinian suicide bombings.

Here is Khalid Mashaal (KM) on his desire for better weapons to kill Israelis:

KM: The rockets are an ordinary reaction towards the Israeli occupation and their Apache Helicopters and F16 jets.

TM: You have a military wing sir which act like the military which target your enemy. Don't just fire a rocket into a kindergarten.

KM: We didn't attack a kindergarten. We have primitive weapons. I ask the international community and the Americans to give us more advanced weapons so we can shoot more accurately.

Translation: "If we had Apache Helicopters and F16 jets we could kill Jews more effectively.

Here is Khalid Mashaal (KM) addressing suicide bombings carried out by Palestinians:

TM: You send people to sit next to small children on buses to blow them up. I don't see the moral equivalence there. You kill small children deliberately, not as an accident, deliberately.

KM: We don't kill anyone deliberately. The suicide bombings began after Israel killed people at the Hebron mosque in 1994. Israel killed during prayers in the Mosque and as an ordinary reaction the Palestinian people started defending themselves. As a response to the Israeli crimes.

I want to tell you there was no suicide bombing before in Israel.

Tell me again: Why do the Palestinians deserve their own country? (Photo via Washingtonbureau.typepad.com)