John McCain made an appearance - his 13th - on the Jon Stewart show, in a show taped Wednesday.
Calling Jon Stewart a jokester is about as charitable as I can get. He's in the same category as Stephen Colbert, another "comedian" who masquerades as a commentator on the news. They both manage to degrade and cheapen about everything they touch. Unfortunately, Stewart is the main news source for alot of people in their 20s.
In probably the only serious issue discussed on the show, Stewart and McCain touched on Hamas and their endorsement of Barack Obama:
Comedian Jon Stewart, the show’s host, asked McCain about comments he had made that Hamas, which controls the Gaza strip in Israel and which the United States government considers a terrorist organization, had endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.
"Do you feel bad that you said that?" Stewart asked McCain.
McCain indicated that he did not, because a spokesman for Hamas in the United States had said that the group was hoping Obama would be elected president.
"I think they think I’m their worst nightmare," McCain said. "And I think that I’m their worst nightmare as well."
It may be that McCain's appearances on the Jon Stewart show will help him connect with millions of young voters who otherwise don't pay attention to serious developments in the world.