Friday, May 2, 2008

Obama credibility takes a hit - just 32% of voters believe Obama was surprised by Wright’s comments

A Rasmussen poll released Friday shows Obama's credibility has been damaged by his handling of the Jeremiah Wright scandal. Just 32% of voters believe Obama was surprised by Wright’s comments. Most say it’s at least somewhat likely that Obama shares some of Wright’s controversial views.

Well, duh. Obama sat in the pews at Wright's church for two decades; it's impossible to believe Obama could have missed Wright's anti-US and inflammatory views. So when Obama claims the Wright he saw at the Press Club is not the Wright of twenty years ago, people aren't going to believe him.

Obama is looking more and more like a politician who takes the path of expediency instead of the transcendent leader offering hope.
The above photo (REUTERS/Frank Polich) shows Obama campaigning in South Bend, Indiana May 1.