Nothing is more annoying than know-it-alls who throw hissy fits because their greatness is not acknowledged.
The release of the Scott McClellan book is another chance for Warren Strobel and Jonathan Landay to whine that they knew all along what was going on in the run-up to the Iraq war, but nobody paid attention to them. If you have the stomach for it, you can read Strobel and Landay's whine fest here. Somebody needs to tell them it's not 2002 and 2003 anymore.
.Lack of recognition for Landay and Strobel is a long-running Sore Subject at McClatchy - formerly Knight Ridder. One old-timer lobbied for a retroactive Pulitzer but that idea hasn't gone anywhere. So their only consolation is that lefties like Bill Moyers and Huffington Post give them accolades.
The above photo (washingtonbureau.typepad.com) shows Jonathan Landay, Nancy Youssef, and Warren Strobel.