The threat was made at congressional hearing over gas prices. Democrats ordered in the oil executives so the cameras would cover the Democrats berating the executives for high gas prices and their "obscene" salaries. Of course, the hearing was a stunt and will have no impact on gas prices.
At one point, John Hoffmeister from Shell tried to explain supply and demand to the socialists on the committee. Give him credit for trying - but some people are so limited they will never get it. At any rate, Hoffmesiter gas prices will come down if companies are able to increase supply by drilling. He added that if congress continues to block efforts to drill the price of gas will zoom beyond $5 a gallon.
At that point Maxine Waters went off on a stammering tirade and made her threat to "socialize" the industry. Here is the transcript:
John Hoffmeister from Shell Oil: I can guarantee to the American people because of the inaction of the United States Congress ever increasing prices unless the demand comes down and the five dollars will look like a very low price in the years to come if we are prohibited from finding new reserves and new opportunities to increase supplies.
Rep. Maxine Waters: And, guess what this liberal will be all about? This liberal will be about socializing... uh, will be about, basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.
Link: sevenload.com
Does it give you a secure feeling knowing that people like Maxine Waters, a socialist with zero common sense, will help the Dems select their candidate for president?
Does it give you a secure feeling knowing that people like Maxine Waters, a socialist with zero common sense, will help the Dems select their candidate for president?
Photo: Matt Fitt. Hat tip: Gateway Pundit