A newsroom source reports that someone has left a large life-size replica of a rooster on a counter in the fifth floor newsroom that's visible to all who enter from a bank of elevators.
A sign attached to the rooster reads: "This is from a Santeria priest in Hialeah...the real deal. Leave an offering and save your jobs."
As of 2pm, the counter on which the 20-inch tall colorful rooster stands is littered with an assortment of coins of all denominations, two wrapped cigars, a half-smoked hand-rolled cigar from Little Havana, and a tiny plastic doll with a sign that says: "Feed the niƱos."
Santeria is a faith created in Cuba by merging traditions of enslaved Africans with Catholicism. Photo credit: Santeria display on Flickr.
UPDATE 1:30: Henry Gomez has a photo of the actual display. (Looking at the cubicles in the newsroom, I wonder where everybody is. Have the job cuts already been implemented?)