Mr Sqwubbsy
May 15, 2008
These "folks in uniform" are in fact a bunch of ill-educated, reactionary jerks who have been flouting international law for too long. As for Everclear, the degree of political naivete they show is breathtaking and tantamount to the crassness of their "music".
May 15, 2008
Is anyone else appalled by this? Playing yards away from people illegally imprisoned and tortured by the US?
May 15, 2008
this another form of torture by the american army for prisoners held illegally at guantanamo.
May 15, 2008
well that's just great. whilst the soldiers enjoy their comparatively luxorious accomodation and wine and dine to free live music, their illegally held detainees are denied basic human rights. their basic religious views are completely disregarded whilst their holy scriptures are urinated upon. above all that there is just a general disregard for their humanity, with water boarding and other despicable methods of torture common place; people being beaten and tortured with broken glass, barbed wire, burning cigarettes. lets not forget the use of sexual assualt as a form of interrogation and general degredation; for example, the strewing of menses over the face of one inmate. soldiers are meant to fight to save their country, not deny the basic rights of human existance of individuals who are held with no evidence. they aren't soldiers, they're animals, who give real soldiers fighting in for their country with honour a bad name. by playing for them Everclear are basically condoning everything that camp stands for. F****** disgraceful.
Photo via blogtown.portlandmercury.