Wednesday, July 2, 2008


When I set this blog up last year, I decided not to include a comments section. My reasons: I wanted to avoid pitfalls I had seen in comment sections in other blogs - trolls taking over the comments section, profanity, etc.

(About profanity: I don't want profanity on my blog, period. Because of that, I almost never link to anything with profanity. That makes me rare in the blogosphere but so be it. Do I have to explain my reasons? I want a clean blog, period. Call me a prude, fine. I want my family members to be able to read my blog without being embarrassed, so that's it.)

Readers have emailed me a few times about opening up a comments section. So I'm re-thinking having comments. I have spent some time checking out blogs that have hopping comments sections: Flopping Aces, Gateway Pundit, Blackfive, Strata-Sphere, Sweetness and Light, Hot Air. I see the advantages - more interaction with readers, suggestions for other links, contrary views.

Your thoughts? Email me at if you have input.