Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pathetic!... McClatchy claims al-Maliki endorsed Obama's 16-month withdrawal plan

The Sacramento Bee ran a piece on Sunday claiming al-Maliki supports Obama's 16 month withdrawal plan - even though al-Maliki said on Saturday his remarks had been mistranslated.

McClatchy's Margaret Talev wrote the piece, which was based on an interview al-Maliki gave to German magazine Der Spiegel. In the interview, al-Maliki appears to endorse Obama's 16 month withdrawal plan. But by Saturday afternoon, al-Maliki had said his remarks had been mistranslated, and CNN and other outlets were reporting that al-Maliki had not endorsed Obama's plan. I saw this CNN report on Saturday afternoon, so the new information was available to Margartet Talev in time to correct her story.
So what is McClatchy's excuse for printing this piece on Sunday?
Amateur Hour at the Obama campaign: Obama "welcomes" mistranslated al-Maliki remarks, claims al-Maliki has embraced Obama's withdrawal plan
Prime Minister Brown: "No artificial timetables for withdrawal"
Iraqis like Obama but are nervous about his surrender plan
Washington Post slams Obama's "willfully ignorant" Iraq policy

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