Bumped... media says Obama has picked Biden... Are you kidding me? Biden?? Joe Biden is a beltway politician, a blowhard with hairplugs. What is Obama thinking?
Yesterday Robert Stacy McCain said after all the hype and buildup, a Biden pick would be deflating. No kidding.
Biden's reputation isn't exactly sterling. This is from an earlier post I did on Biden:
Biden is certainly an expert on malarkey in speeches - Biden himself was forced out of the 1988 presidential race after he was caught plagiarizing a speech by Neal Kinnock, a UK Labour Party politician. From FamousPlagiarists.com:
Senator Biden’s plagiarism of a speech by British Labor Party leader Neal Kinnock took place at a campaign stump at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. In closing his speech, Biden took Kinnock’s ideas and language as if they were his very own inspired thoughts, prefacing Kinnock’s ideas with the phrase “I started thinking as I was coming over here . . . “. Little did Biden suspect that video footage of this speech would be spliced together with footage of Kinnock’s speech in an “attack video” which would be distributed by members of the Dukakis campaign.Biden initially denied the plagiarism and actually stayed in the race several more weeks, until reports surfaced that he had been caught cheating in law school.
This is Change?
Best Republican news all year!
True, the GOP seems happy with the choice.
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