Sunday, August 10, 2008

John Edwards hires some unusual campaign workers

The public knows about Rielle Hunter (AKA Lisa Druck), the campaign aide John Edwards paid to do campaign videos, and with whom Edwards has admitted to having an affair. (Any Dem donors bothered that Edwards used their contributions to pay his girlfriend $114,000 for doing "video work" for campaign??)

Information is now emerging about the other Edwards campaign worker involved in the Rielle Hunter scandal, Andrew Aldridge Young. He is the married man who claims to be the father of Hunter's child.

Turns out Andrew Aldridge Young has quite a criminal record:
Now public records searches reveal a history of criminal charges and convictions that paint a potentially different picture of Young than that of a typical campaign worker. The records, published on the website, appear to list over twenty different criminal offenses and a tax lien. The earliest offense listed is a traffic offense from 1983 but also include more recent charges including a August 2006 court disposition of July 2006 Possessing Beer On City Property offense and guilty pleas in 2007 for several DWI Level V offenses that occurred on September 12th, 2006. A Level V offense is the least serious DWI level under North Carolina state law.
Talk about a massive judgment deficit. I shudder to think John Edwards nearly become Vice President of the United States 4 years ago.

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