Tuesday, August 12, 2008

October Surprise? ***UPDATED - SCROLL***

This news comes out of the blue: Obama's racist, anti-US pastor Jeremiah Wright will be publishing a book and going on a book tour in October.
In October, Obama’s former pastor, Wright, will publish a new book and hit the road to promote it, an occasion that might well place the topic of Obama’s blackness (along with his patriotism and his candor about what he heard in the pews in all those years at Trinity Church) squarely at the center of the national debate.
The last thing Obama supporters want is the radioactive Jeremiah Wright giving interviews and grabbing headlines in October. But, chickens do have a way of coming home to roost.
Hat tip: Jim Geraghty
UPDATED 8/12/08: The account of a new Jeremiah Wright book is not true, according to Wright's daughter, Jeri Wright.

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