Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Joe Biden draws a crowd of 1,200 in Charlotte (updated)

McClatchy reports Joe Biden spoke to a crowd of 1,200 at the Phillip O. Berry Academy in Charlotte on Monday. I did a little research -- the Phillip O. Berry Academy is a high school. (See update below.)

Total enrollment: 1,150.

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin is drawing big crowds who apparently show up without being coerced. 5,000 showed up Monday in Golden, Colorado, and organizers were forced to change the venue to accomodate the demand for tickets.

UPDATED 9/16: The Biden event was on Sunday, not Monday as I first posted. My bad. Thanks to those who pointed this out.


Anonymous said...

Strange that all those kids would be in school on a Sunday. I don't believe the story speaks to the makeup of the crowd. In fact, the full version of the story on the Charlotte Observer web site quotes only adult attendees. How do you know the student body was compelled to be there?

You don't.

There are some interesting things on this blog about MNI, but this sort of political hackery impeaches its credibility.

Anonymous said...

One should note that the speech was on Sunday, not Monday.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with the previous poster. As an employee of MNI, I come to this blog as a source of truth related to lay offs and mismanagement of the company--not to hear commentary on the political leanings of the company or specific papers.

Granted, its the bloggers right to share what the see as relevant--but my visits to the site are gradually waning (as is my confidence in the validity of the messages) as the deluge of anti-Democract slams become center piece of the discussion.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the political stuff is not why I visit this site. I want to know what is going on at McClatchy. I only wish more employees from ALL the newspapers would input more. I wonder if there is a way we can get reports at least every week for each newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea-- just stick to the blog posts about MNI and the layoffs, etc.-- if that's what you're interested in, and skip the rest.
I, for one, enjoy it all-- from the MNI news to the political views.
Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Well, the problem is, if the guy is twisting and stretching political items such as this one, how is he playing real MNI news?

I miss fairness. You can have a point of view and still be fair.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with the political stuff but let's keep our eye on the ball here and remeber why most of us visit this blog. Don't read the political stuff and let's start finding out what's going on at ALL the papers. We need to get this out to the public as to what is happening to our newspapers. I know that my neighbors didn't know that India was now putting. together half the paper. It made a difference to them.

Just a thought.