Wednesday, September 3, 2008

McClatchy public editor wants to cancel cartoon strip due to anti-Obama overtones

Humorless hand wringers at McClatchy's News & Observer are fretting over what to do about Mallard Fillmore. Evidently Bruce Tinsley's conservative-leaving Mallard Fillmore cartoon strip has run several cartoons poking fun at Barack Obama.

Recent example: "I'm Barack Obama, and I blessed this commercial." Another: "And now, according to the rules, the current version of Senator Obama will have two minutes to rebut the statements made by the previous version of Senator Obama."
Obama supporters complained, and naturally, the gatekeepers are beside themselves over what to do.

Public editor Ted Vaden (pictured above) weighs in and says the N&O should cancel the cartoon.  The decision is under review and the N&O will annouonce the decision later.

As Charlie Brown would say, Good grief.

Hat tip: Gearino.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Commie bast*rds!