Thursday, October 30, 2008

In cahoots?? McClatchy slam on McCain over the LA Times video tape is almost identical to talking points from Obama campaign

A McClatchy news report on the LA Times tape controversy included a slam on McCain from two McClatchy reporters that was almost identical to the slam on McCain that came from the Obama campaign, again highlighting McClatchy's track record of adopting talking points from the Obama campaign.

McClatchy reporters Margaret Talev and William Douglas reported on the LA Times tape controversy Wednesday, and accused McCain of "trying to create controversy" by linking Barack Obama with PLO sympathizer Rashid Khalidi.

Note this later in the piece:
Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt accused McCain of using a "recycled, manufactured controversy" to distract voters.
The Obama campaign talking points from Ben LaBolt about the video ("manufactured controversy") are almost identical to the statement of McClatchy reporters Talev and Douglas, who accused McCain of "trying to create controversy."

It's revolting when news reports coming from McClatchy are almost identical to Obama campaign talking points.

McClatchy reporters Talev and Douglas have written other pieces with are eerily similar to Obama campaign talking points. (See here.)


Anonymous said...

Man, that IS eerie! I also checked out the similarities. They both use the words splendiferous, glockenspiel, gorgon, porphyry and make reference to water sports. In addition, many of the conjunctions are identical!


Proof positive that Gary Pruitt and the Masons are swinging the election to ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!

Anonymous said...

Fox News deputy managing editor Bill Sammon:

I’m no cheerleader for The Los Angeles Times and I’d like to see their videotape of Barack Obama praising a PLO activist as much as the next guy, but as far as I can tell, the newspaper is on firm journalistic ground in refusing to make the tape public.

To me, it’s pretty simple. Reporter Peter Wallsten made an agreement with a source to refrain from publicly disclosing the tape. Unless that source lets Wallsten off the hook, the reporter is journalistically bound to abide by the agreement, regardless of how much heat his newspaper takes from pundits on TV.

Indeed, Wallsten has little choice in the matter. If he were to cave in to mounting public demands for the tape, no self-respecting source would ever give him another shred of information. Nor should they.