Sunday, December 14, 2008

Modesto Bee web site still jacked up

In comments, someone wondered if the Modesto Bee would be doing Book of Dreams this Christmas. Answer: yes. But good luck trying to find it on the ModBee web site -- I went to the main page, did a search using the words "Book of Dreams" and here's what I got.
Earlier I tried to find it by entering the URL recommended in comments -- and ended up at the ModBee's annoying registration page.
Hey Bee -- it shouldn't be so hard to find stuff on your web site.
UPDATE: here's a URL to Book of Dreams -- it just now worked for me: Hat tip: comments


Anonymous said...

In a way only McClatchy could convolute, the content staff of is far distant from the web programming folk over at Nando.

On a weekend, it’s hard to find the knowledge person who can actually remedy the situation.

It saves a lot of money not having enough tech knowledge folk.

McClatchy won't survive in the future. They seem to miss the point that knowledge people require investment for retention and expansion.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I copied the url from the headerbar. I guess you have to be a registered user to access this info, I guess they don't really want people donating to Book of Dreams. ...Hey Modesto Bee, how about a Book of Dreams entry for all the good people you laid off!

Maybe this link MIGHT get you to the Book of Dreams

Anonymous said...

If you go to home page, click on the badge that says "Book of Dreams" ... above the poll ... the link is fine. It's been there since November. Hard to see how you could miss it. And, The Bee has raised more than $21,000. Here's the link ... ... I'm sure you'll want to donate.

Anonymous said...

Having nothing to do with the paper, I wanted to see for myself, it's right there on the front page. No big deal to find. Some people here are way too disgruntled to be accurate in their postings. I agree with a lot on this site, but come on people, don't let your personal emotions cloud the truth. We already get enough of that with the journalism.